Apocalypse of OZ Flying Monkey Resin Model Kit


Take special care of those ruby slippers, I want those most of all. Now fly! Fly!

–The Wicked Witch of the West

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The Wicked Witch of the West’s flying monkeys were my greatest fear growing up. Every year when my family sat down to watch the network broadcast of “The Wizard of OZ” I always made a well timed excuse to leave the room when those little apes appeared. I don’t know why I feared them so much and not the Witch herself but it was real and I wanted no part of them. To this day I still get a uncomforting twinge whenever I see them and this statue is no different.

In this version, the entire world of OZ has been turned upside down but those little hairy bastards are still terrifying. Gone are the colorful tailored vests and little bellhop hats now there only accessory is a crude weapon they carry. This is one mean monkey and he is set on causing fear and destruction. A little battle worn from all the missions he has completed for his master but he is still ready to fight at a moment’s notice. Clutching a spiked mace with a menacing look, this monkey is ready to terrify all viewers.

The flying monkey is cast in 4 solid resin pieces and is easy to assemble. In no time at all, you too could have your own flying minion on display.

Additional information

Weight 36 oz
Dimensions 8 × 7 × 6 in


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