Akivasha coming to Quarantine Studio……..
I am Akivasha! I am the woman who never died, who never grew old! Who fools say was lifted from the earth by the gods, in the full bloom of her youth and beauty, to queen it forever in some celestial clime! Nay, it is in the shadows that mortals find immortality! Ten thousand years ago I died to live for ever! Give me your lips, strong man!
7 thoughts on “Akivasha coming to Quarantine Studio……..”
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So any update on Akivasha?
Sorry to say that we have hit recently hit a roadblock and have temporarily suspended this project.
Ok thanks for responding. I am sorry to hear that. Well at least I have Deja Thoris to look forward to seeing.
She will get finished! But, for now she has to be put to the side.
Quarantine Studio
Thank you. I hope things get better for you all.
We are good, Quarantine Studio’s plate is overflowing sorta speak.
Quarantine Studio
That is good to hear, thank you